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New EZPC A1200 Tower expansion configurations

Eyetech Group Ltd

Amiga Product Notes


New EZPC A1200 Tower Expansion


3 New pre-configured systems to suit different
applications & pockets




Removable HD bay takes your existing
2.5" or 3.5" drive


The EZPC Tower System showing the A1200, the PC card
frame space and the EZ-access removable side panels


Eyetech’s EZPC-Tower integrates a highly specified PC and your A1200 in the same EZ-Tower via the Siamese RTG 2.5 Ethernet system. It uses the best aspects of PC technology - low cost, high performance peripherals, retargetable graphics, number crunching speed and networking capability - to add to the Amiga’s intrinsic strengths - user-friendly, stable operating system, true multi-tasking, real-time response, low system overheads and ease of setup - all areas where PCs struggle severely (and often fail!).

Its important to note that the EZPC system works by making the PC motherboard act as a slave processor to your A1200 - looking after the the operation of the systems accessories whilst you and your Amiga get on with creative work. (You can of course use the PC as a computer in its own right if you really insist!)

Its also important to understand that EZPC A1200 expansion system is based on a real Amiga and is not at all comparable with other PC-only systems running a clever, but slow, Amiga emulator as a PC application.

In fact there are such a range of applications that the EZPC system can open up to an Amiga user that we have introduced three systems pre-configured for different types of use. These are:

A1200 EZ-PC TOWER-HSE (Home Studio Edition)
The most economic way to get serious Amiga power for your graphics, dtp and internet publishing projects. The HSE configuration comes complete with TV tuner with cut-and-paste teletext facilities, 24-bit video frame grabber and video clip capture card, 30 bit colour scanner, 56K modem and unlimited internet access at local call rates - as well as the standard EZPC system components - see below.

A1200 EZPC TOWER-DVE (Digital Video Edition)
An A1200 expansion platform which is purpose made for video and audio editing. It is fitted with a purpose-designed, hardware-based MJPEG non-linear video editing suite for home/semi-professional video production. It also comes with built-in CD Writer/ReWriter (with drag-and-drop CD writing software) for producing your own audio and video CDs.

This must be the ultimate creative multimedia expansion platform for your A1200. It comes equipped with non-linear video editing hardware and software, A4 30-bit flatbed scanner, DVD ROM hardware & MPEG 2 decoder (for DVD video playback), CD ReWritable drive, 15” Colour Monitor, 56k data/fax/voice modem with voicemail and internet software - and much more.


All these three packs are designed for you to fit your existing A1200 in the EZPC Tower and connect it up. This normally takes around an hour, but if you would prefer to receive your system ready to use, we can arrange to collect your Amiga, do the work for you and ship your new system back all ready to plug-in to mains and phone outlets! Please ring for details.

A1200 EZPC TOWER-3.1+
Finally, if your A1200 is feeling a bit tired we can supply your chosen EZPC Tower system with a brand new Kickstart 3.1 A1200, complete with Magic Pack software, 24 Speed CDROM, 2.1 GB hard drive, EZCD Mk4 interface and EZIDE software ready installed and connected up. All you need to do is to slot in your existing accelerator, switch on and start using your new A1200 EZPC Tower system.

The hard drive comes with the Siamese 2.5 RTG software, Workbench 3.1, Magic Pack software and utilities pre-installed - but if you have valuable data on your old hard drive we make it easy for you to access that too. When you buy this A1200 upgrade pack we fit a removable hard drive bay (see picture). You just fit your old hard drive in the removable carrier and slot it back in at the front of your EZ-Tower without even opening the EZPC Tower case. Boot up - and there are all your old applications ready to run on your new A1200!

Using your EZPC to render 3D raytraced scenes using the PC’s CPU

When you buy an EZPC-Tower we will give you a special voucher which entitles you to buy the full PC Version of Cinema 4D v4SE from HiSoft for just �129 - a saving of �400 on its normal price of �529. With this installed you will be able to:

  • Model your 3D objects and scenes on the Amiga in Imagine, Cinema 4D etc.

  • Save the models to the PC drives directly from your Amiga application

  • Import the Amiga file models into Cinema 4D on the PC side

  • Render the files on the PC side (at anything up to 100 times the speed of the Amiga side)

  • Save the rendered images for viewing on your Amiga.



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